JEFF PILSON Offers Update On L/P, Studio Activities
May 5, 2003Former DOKKEN and current L/P bassist Jeff Pilson has posted the following update to his official web site, www.jeffpilson.com:
"Hello everyone. Sorry it's been so long since there's been a new commentary, but I was hoping to have some special news for you. George [Lynch] and I have been trying desperately to get some shows together for L/P, but more on that later. Lots to say — let's waste no time.
"First off, thanx so much for all the amazing comments about the L/P record. I'm so grateful that the reception to the album appears to be everything we could have hoped for and more. Like I've said before, one of the main reasons I love to make music is the connection that music can make, and the reactions it creates. Of course the flattery is wonderful, but then to have that special connection on some sort of emotional plane, that's what it's all about. I feel so creatively fulfilled by all this, it's tremendously satisfying. And I also want to thank all the street teamers and everyone else who has pitched in to spread the word — we're so happy to have you all aboard. I'm not too aware of all the details of what's going on with the street team, but I appreciate whatever is happening. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't reflect on how amazing the long time fans are. We're talking 20 years for many of you, what more could a rock band want??!! You guys are the best — so don't forget it!!!
"So on the subject of L/P hitting the road, I wish we had something immediate and cool to report, but unfortunately don't at this point. We've tried very hard to figure something out for June, but it looks like it won't be able to happen. We aren't able to book L/P so soon after the LYNCH MOB has been through, but please don't assign any blame, this couldn't really be avoided. I know George wants to tour with L/P, as do I, but we're probably not going to be able to pull anything off til fall. George has LM dates in July and August, and I totally support that. It's really no one's fault that the two records [LM and L/P] are being released so close together, so again no blame please. But we do both still want to hit the road for this record- just might have to wait til autumn. Just make sure and spread the word about the record so we really can do it then.
"So on the production front things are happening in a big way. Tommy and I just started working with Brooks Buford [formerly of the band REHAB], and we have to deliver his record by June 2nd. This has been so exciting to watch — Brooks is a great guy, amazing talent, and to see him get this chance is pretty emotional for us. We worked with him several months ago, only for him to get dropped by his former label when his partner (at that time) quit. But he never gave up and he ended up being signed by Jermaine DuPree and LA Reid, who are bigshots in the hip hop community and total believers in Brooks' star-power and vision. With their support this record is going to be great. The first single is a hilarious song called 'Trailor Fabulous' and it goes to radio May 6th. That's why the time pressure to finish the CD — he also does the video May 9, 10, and 11. Watch for a Tommy Henriksen cameo as the 'punk rocker'. This has been so much fun — not to mention ZuZu's first single totally recorded at Pilsound. Pray for a hit folks!
"Then we also have been working with a young band who have made a huge splash the last few weeks. They're called CLEAR STATIC — and the buzz has been amazing. Several labels have been involved, but it looks like we'll put it to bed this week (can't disclose label yet!). We plan on recording their record during the summer — and watch out — great band and songs. The singer's voice is so unique and such a breath of fresh air from all the CREED sound-alike singers out there. The music is kind of THE CURE meets THE STROKES [I know not exactly the bag for a lot of you] — but it's extremely melodic. I expect big things from them. Their ages are 16-18, and they're some of the most smart and stable kids I've ever met — I'm jealous!
"Then we've also been finishing up with an incredible singer/songwriter named Hensley. His music is COLDPLAY with Jeff Buckley singing [figuratively] — excellent. One of the more musical ventures we've had, and it's been unbelievable. Have a feeling that labels will be after him soon — it's simply too good. One of the best voices I've heard in a long time.
"So there you have it. No rest for this one — at least not now anyway. Wish there were L/P shows on the current calendar, but that will just have to wait. I mean we've been patient this long haven't we? Hope all is well with everyone out there, and we'll have an exciting new contest that relates to the upcoming WAR AND PEACE album soon."